Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1923/06/16

Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1923/06/16
Nemanich, Janez
Verbic, Marusa (transcription and translation)
June 16, 1923

Letter written by Janez Nemanich of Lokvica, Slovenia, to his brother Anton Nemanich residing in Joliet, Illinois.

Geographic Locations

Continents: Europe
Countries: SLOVENIA
Cities: Lokvica

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

16 Juni Lokvica 1923 Lubi moj Brat ži pret 14 štirnajstimi dnevi sem ti mislu pisat kako je per nas pasem perčakoval račun at naših zvonah iz Lublane paše zdej niso poslali in zdej ti paseglih pišem in ti dam vedet perviga Junija so perpelali na še 3 zvonove kersobili v Zagrebi na sestavi in so nar lepše glasove jemajo kaje na Krajskem in vagajo 1580 kil in potem to ti je bilo veselje kadar sojeh pelali in kadar sojeh perpelali sajeh prošt blagoslovili in per blagoslovem sobili Kome in Botra in at tega sredniga zvona in kijima Amerikanski napis so tebe iz volili za Kometa in Bahtetko za Botro in kertebe ni bilo sem bil jest tvoj namstnik in pati kaj še pošli zapagačo enih par dolr sej tisi ži je prej narveč dal zanaše zvone. Napa jezdej šenekaj pošli čete je vole zapisan boš 100 let zanaprej ker teško bomo plačali in dam ti vedet d vura bije povseh 3 treh zvoneh in zdej je na Lokvice lepo zvonejne kot jebilo prej in drugo ti dam vedet da na Binkoštni pondelek je bilo velko žignajne takereči ni bilo šena Lokvice per našem pade jebila vesetica po vse naši ravni sobile mize in pot kozalcom iz Metlike je vseperšlo več je bilo ludi kot v petreh vaseh na jernejevo. 5 jancev so izpekli padajeh še 5 bejeh bili pojeli 600 litrov so vina izpili in kuliko še druge reči do polnoči je bilo tudi vse polno. Vanti in dekleta so igro jemali in muzika je špilala in mladina je plesala vse polno je bilo kojnov in vozov ker sose perpelali at vseh strani plakati sobili napisani Veselica veste to je bilo kot Amerikanski pitnik vse je bilo veselo in vse ješlo vprit zvonov. Dragi Brat zadnič semte prosu demi bi kaj poslal ker je taka dražina dasi nemorem ne obleke kupit vino je paceni in gani moč prodat denara nimam neč terda migre ne zapusti me lubi Brat drugo ti dam vedet zdravi smo jest in moja deržina vreme jemamo slabo zmeram pada deš kerme badost ali pošušit ni moč tertje spet lepo kaže Maja je bila huda vročina in zdej jepa merzlo in deš nevem kako bo vselepo kaže in nevem koliko bo in zdej tepalepo pozdravim tebe in tvojo ženo in vaše otroke in mladiga Antona in njegovo ženo in Staro Mamo jest in moja deržina prosim atpiši mi John Nemanich 

16. June 1923, Lokvica My dear brother, I wanted to write you 14 days ago how we are doing, but I was waiting for the bill for our bells from Ljubljana, they still did not send it. Now I am writing to you anyway and I am letting you know, that on June the 1st they delivered 3 more bells. They were made in Zagreb and they sound prettier than anywhere in Carniola and they weigh 1580 kilograms. It was such a joy when they brought them, they blessed them immediately and at the blessing, there were godfather and godmother. For the middle bell, which has an American inscription, you were elected for godfather and Mrs. Bahte for godmother. Since you were not here, I was your substitute and please send some dollars for the treat, you are the one, who gave the most for our bells in the first place. If you are willing to, send us something now, you will be written in good books for 100 more years, it will be hard for us to pay for everything. And I am letting you know, that all 3 bells are now ringing and we have beautiful ringing now in Lokvica as we had in the past. Secondly, I am letting you know, we had a great blessing on Whit Monday, and it was an event, like we never had before in Lokvic. There was a public festivity going on and tables were all around our plane and many people came from Metilka, there were more people than in five villages on the St. Bartholomew’s day. They roasted 5 lambs and if they roasted 5 more, people would eat them. They drank 600 liters of wine and many other things and it was crowded until midnight. Boys and girls had a play and the music was playing and the youths were dancing. There were many horses and carriages, because people came from all around, there were placards posted for the festivity and it was like real American picnic, everyone were happy and they all came for the bells. Dear brother, I asked you the other day to send me something, because I have such a big family, that I cannot even buy myself clothes. Wine is cheap and I cannot sell it, I have no money and really hard times. Please do not leave me dear brother. Secondly, I am letting you know, we are healthy, I and my family, we have bad weather, it keeps on raining. We have enough fodder, but we cannot dry it, the vine is looking good. We had heat in May and now it is cold and raining and I do not know how and how much it is going to be. And now I and my family greet nicely you and your wife and your children and Anton junior and his wife and grandmother. Please write back. John Nemanich 
