Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1924/06/22

Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1924/06/22
Nemanich, Janez
Verbic, Marusa (transcription and translation)
June 22, 1924

Letter written by Janez Nemanich of Lokvica, Slovenia, to his brother Anton Nemanich residing in Joliet, Illinois.

Geographic Locations

Continents: Europe
Countries: SLOVENIA
Cities: Lokvica

UMedia Archive
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Lokvica 22/6 1924 Ljubi Brat Anton! V začetku mojega pisanja Te prav lepo pozdravim kakor tudi Tvojo ženo in vso družino. Dam ti vedit da sem dobil o veliki noči 1400 K. to mislim da je glih od Tebe ker na reziti se ne pozna gdu pošle in se Ti prav lepo zahvalim naj Ti dobri Bog stotero poplača več bi ti bil pisal pa sem zmiraj čakal da bom od Tebe dobil kak glas pa ni nič piši mi kaj kako kaj živiš in če si zdrav Bog ti daj ljubo zdravje in srečo da bi živel še mnogo let. Jast Te ne bi mogu pozabit da Ti umerješ Ti še zmiraj zame skrbiš da jimamo še enega takega Brata v Ameriki kot si ti jast bi lahko gospodaru pr nas je še zmiraj vse drago pa nas je dost za oblačit in obuvat 3 hodijo vsak dan v šolo ena je mi bla včeraj pri prvem svetem obhajilu sem ji kupil obleko me košta 400K. čizme 500 K. prodat nimam pa kaj pri živini je jako cena nazaj padla eno telico bi prodal pa zdej mi ne bi dost vrgla pred zimo bom mogu prodat ker rabim dnar. Dam Ti vedit da zdej mislijo Završnikovmu Franci vzeti grunt če znaš kaj naj mu piši naj vpre ako če ako mi pa nega pa nate končina deco zahtevajte ako bi kateriga veselilo v ta kraj kadar bojo veliki sej so dragi grunti to sem izvedu in vam dam vedet pole naredite kakor čete in dragi Brat jest sem mislu da bodo keri les prešel pogledat letos pa ni nič glasa. Ne vem če še pride gdu še les ali ne no Mama so še živi Pecek naš Kome še derva nosi pa je 90 l. Lubi Brat dam ti vedet da letos sem jako bolan ta huda zima me je bila vzela Kmalu bom mogu jet zdej bom 64 let pa ne vidim kot sem pret enim letu in nimam ne eniga zoba. Tako sem Anton da od Vas ne dobi bi slabo živu prosim pošlite mi še kaj da si kaj kupim za jest ker tega kar še mamo ne morem in vas lepo pozdravim in Antona in njegovo ženo in otroke in staro mamo. John Nemanich 

Lokvica 22/6 1924 Dear brother Anton! At the beginning of my writing I am sending my kindest regards to you, your wife and entire family. I am letting you know that I received 1400K on Easter. I think it is from you, since I cannot see from the consignment, and I thank you deeply and let good God repay you a hundred times. I would write to you more often, but I have always been waiting to hear from you in vain. Write to me how you live and if you are healthy. God give you beloved health and happiness and to live for many more years. I could not forget you if you died, you are still taking care of me and if we would have another brother like you in America, I would still be able to conduct a farm. Everything is still expensive here and I have a large family to dress and boot. 3 are going to school every day and one had her first Holy Communion yesterday, I bought her dress for 400K and shoes for 500K. I have nothing to sell because of drop in the prices of cattle, I would sell one calf, right now it is too cheap, but I will have to sell it before winter, because I need money. I am letting you know that they are trying to take a large estate from Franci Završnik, if you know what he can do to save it, please write, or you require it for your children, if some of them would like to come to this place when they grow up. Estates are expensive, that is what I found out, and I am letting you know, and you do what you are willing to do. Dear brother, I thought that someone would come to see the timber this year, but no one did and I do not know if it will. Mother is still alive and Pecek Kome is still carrying wood and he is 90 years old. Dear brother, I am letting you know that I am very sick this year, hard winter tired me out. I am 64 years old and I do not see as good as I did a year ago and I do not have any tooth left. This is the way I am, Anton, and if I have not got anything from you, I would live really bad. Please, send me some more, so I could buy something to eat, since I cannot eat what we still have. I nicely greet you and Anton and his wife and children and grandmother. John Nemanich
