Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, ca. 1922/5/10

Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, ca. 1922/5/10
Nemanich, Janez
Verbic, Marusa (transcription and translation)
no year available, May 10, probably 1922

Letter from Janez Nemanich of Lokvica, Slovenia, to his brother Anton Nemanich residing in Joliet, Illinois.

Geographic Locations

Continents: Europe
Countries: SLOVENIA
Cities: Lokvica

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

10 Maja, Lokvica Lubi moj Brat dam ti malo vedet kako je pernas. Zdravi smo jesše in moja družina in tudi vam želim vsem lubo zdravje in srečo drugo ti dam vedet kako je pernas zimo smo jemeli tako kot je bila prej. Vino je po kevdreh zamerznilo šole so bile zaperte ker niso mogli otroke všolo in zdeje pa lepo drevje vse cvete sadja bo dost čenebo kakšne toče. Dragi Brat zdej te prosim otpiši mi čese bo kaj dobilo zate naše zvonove čese mi je vredno potrudet in poberat tu zajne. Zakaj če oteste nič nedobimo tukaj nismo zmožni ni tulko nabrat in zdej tudi jemajo vina zaprodat pani nič kupca in dražinja pa zmeram večja kerje je bila huda suša je vsega premalo in davke sopa zmerom večje nevem čebo to dolgo tako aline. Dam ti vedet da Slovenca nedobim več ponovem lete in to mi je jako dolgičasno ker nič ne berem debi vedu kako jeteste in zdej ti dam vedet 25 junija bomo jemeli sveto Birmo in tepovabim pridite malo knam pogledat moje bodo šle 2 čeri in dam ti vedet Jožef Žeškov je peršel damuh iz Amerike pravi daje štrajk in drziga noviga ti nimam kaj pisat zdravi smo. Tako zdej te šeenkrat prosim no se malo potrudi zate zvonove čeje mogoče jest bom dal na zvone nadrukat daje kuplen iz Amerike in tvoje ime in zdej te palepo pozdravim tebe in tvojo gospo in vaše otroke in pozdravim Antona in negovo deržino in Staro mamo jest in moja deržina in prosim atpiši mi nazaj to te prosim jest tvoj Brat John Nemanič. (John Nemanič) 

10. May, Lokvica My dear brother, I am letting you know how we are doing. We are still healthy, I and my family, and I wish to you all dear health and happiness. Secondly, I am letting you know how it is here. We had winter as they were before. The wine has frozen in the cellars and schools were closed, because children could not walk to school, now the trees are nice and blossoming and we will have a lot of fruit, if there will be no hail. Dear brother, now I am asking you, please write, if you can get something for our bells, so I would know that it is worth trying to collect for them here. We alone are not capable to raise all the money necessary, now we have wine to sell but no buyers and everything is expensive. Because we had great drought, we have to little of everything, but the taxes are increasing and I do not know for how long it is going to be so. I am letting you know that after the New Year I have not received the Slovenec newspaper and it is very boring, because I cannot read how you are doing. And I am letting you know that on the 25th of June we will have Holy Confirmation and 2 of my daughters will go and I invite you to come to see us. And I am letting you know that Jožef Žeško returned home from America, he says there is a strike going on. I have nothing else to write, we are healthy. Thus, I am asking you again, please make an effort for these bells of ours, if it is going to be possible, I will give to engrave upon them the inscription that they are bought from America and your name. Now I and my family send kind regards to you and your wife and your children and Anton and his family and grandmother and please write back, this is what I am asking you, I, your brother John Nemanič. (John Nemanich) 
