Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1922/10

Janez Nemanich – letter to his brother Anton, 1922/10
Nemanich, Janez
Verbic, Marusa (transcription and translation)
October 1922

Letter written by Janez Nemanich of Lokvica, Slovenia, to his brother Anton Nemanich residing in Joliet, Illinois.

Geographic Locations

Continents: Europe
Countries: SLOVENIA
Cities: Lokvica

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

Oktober 1922, Lokvica Lubi moj Brat danas sem si namenil ti pisat en par beset in ti dam malo vedet kako je pernas. Zdravi smo Vala Bogu ali drugo pa ni neč kaj prav poleti je bila huda suša in zdej je pa saki dan deš padal in strele pokajo in germi daje joj. Danas je prejejnalo in jutri bohmo začeli tergat in tertje je polno in vina bo in zrelo je samo da bi deš prestal potem bo dobro in živlejna sebo dobilo Vala Bogu več kot lani. Dragi Brat per treh farah sem bil z Antonom Jermanom in smo se pogovarjali in jereko degre Vameriko kvam in sem mu naročil nekaj beset dati naj pove Miheličk jemi že 2krat pisala debi nekaj lozi prodal kije mate toje 5 parcel in jest sem ji pisal demi naj pošle pooblastilo in mertvacki list ot Mikota daje res umerl potem debom pa prodal in jest te prosim prašaj jo zakuliko da pa ti to kupi zame jest ti bom spovrnil zakaj meni bilo prav za cale kiga nimam prosim te nato kupi at 30 do 40 tolar je vredno. in drugo tidam vedet danas so Umetliki zazvonili velikanski zvonovi dajih ni na celo Kranjske deželi takih in toje veseli zakaj niso jemeli neč glih tako je blo kot Veliki petek tavečji vaga 2666 kil in drugi so maši. 4 bodo jemeli in maši bodo 3 in naveliko Soboto tobo Aprila mesca bodo žina turni in takrat tepovabim tebe in šekeri staboj jest bom žejpreskerbel dobriga vina same pridi debi Bog daj zdravje in sreča debi se še enkrat videli. To bi rat dočakal samo debi zdravi bilo Bog daj. In dam ti vedet dasem dal Udomolup vse darovalce zanaše Zvonove bom ga je testam poslal in zdej te pa lepo pozdravim jest in moja žena in naši otroki tebe in tvojo družino in Staro mamo in seti lepo zahvalim kaj ste mi poslali Bog vam daj srečo in zdravje in dabi se še enkrat videli in teprosim pamikaj pišite. (Janez Nemanich) 

October 1922, Lokvica Dear brother, today I decided to write you some words and to let you know, how we are doing. We are healthy, thanks God; otherwise it is not so good. In summer it was great drought, now it is raining and it thunders every day. Today it stopped and tomorrow we will start grape harvesting, vines are full and we will have wine and grapes are ripe. It is going to be fine as long as it is not going to rain and this year we can get more workers than last year, thanks God. Dear brother, I met Anton Jerman at church and he told me he will go to you to America and I asked him to speak to Mrs. Mihelič. She wrote me twice, if I could sell 5 parcels of land for her, and I wrote her to send me an authorization and dead certificate of Miko, so I would be able to sell. And now I am asking you, please ask her for how much she is selling, and then you buy them for me and I will return you the money, they are worth around 30 or 40 Tollars. Secondly, I am letting you know, today in Metlika giant bells rang, you cannot find bells like these in the entire Carniola. We were joyful and it was like on Good Friday. The big one weighs 2666 kilograms and the others are smaller. They will have 4 and 3 will be smaller and on Good Friday in April next year they will already be hanging on the belfry. And then I invite you and your companions to come here, I will provide good wine, you just come, let God give us health and fortune to see each other again. I would like to live to see you again, just give us health, dear God. And I am letting you know that I gave to Domolup newspaper the names of all donors for our bells, I will send it to your father in law. Now I and my wife and our children nicely greet you and your family and grandmother and I thank you for what you sent me. God give us health and fortune to see each other again and please write to me. (John Nemanich) 
