Diego Delfino — Letter to his Daughter, 1925/11/19

Diego Delfino — Letter to his Daughter, 1925/11/19
Delfino, Diego
Cancian, Sonia (translation and transcription)
November 19, 1925

Letter from Diego Delfino of Bellaire, Ohio, to his daughter of Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Geographic Locations
Continents: Europe :: North America
States: Ohio
Cities: Bellaire :: Reggio Calabria

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

Novembre 19, 1925. Mia carissima Figlia, Vengo con questa mia per sapere la ragio- ne perche’ perche’ non ho ricevuto tue notizie da circa un me- se, cio’ che m’inpensierisce, dato che il compare Aragona, mi informava che tu eri desiderosa di vedermi. Abbi pazienza, diletta mia Mary, abbi pazienza per un po’ di tempo ancora. Io non ti ho dimenticato. Io veglio e penso te ogni momento, e vorrei es- serti vicino vicino ai tuoi sospiri. Comprendo bene che tu sof- fri la lontananza, ma, ripeto pazienza. Probabilment il nuovo anno sara’ apportato- re di felicita’ e letizia. Un nuovo astro, forse, splendera’ sul mio orizzonte con nuova luce. Sula fides sufficit….. Ho tanti pensieri per la mia testa; furono tanti i dolori, svariate le sofferenze, molteplici le disavven- ture; ma vivaddio, sono qui ad attendere la rivincita. E, son sicuro che riusciro’ vittorioso nella impresa. Taci e prega. Si, il Signore pare sia un po’ mite, e sembra abbia avuto pieta’ delle mie sventure, e, Egli, finira’ le Sue pressioni su me col finire dell’Anno Santo, l’Anno memorando, l’Anno della penitenza e l’Anno della Resurrezione. Gloria in Excelsis Deo. Io sto benissimo, grazia a quell’Omnipotente, e anche i toui fratellini godono perfetta salute. Vanno a scuola ed attendono con assiduita’ le lezioni. Giovannino fa progres- si nell’arte della scultura da meravigliare , data la sua te- nera eta’. Sono diavoletti incorreggibili pero’ e, talvolta mi fanno disturbare. Attendo l’aurora del Gennaio per rischiarar- mi….. Scrivimi subito ed avverti la Superior ache mi affret- tero’ inviare l’intero ammontare della tua convittura al piu’ presto. T’invio gli abbracci e i baci a milioni dai tuoi fra- telli ed io un caro ed affettuoso abbraccio benedicendoti tut- ta, cara la mia bambina, mi confermo Il tuo babbo che t’adora [signature]

November 19, 1925. My dearest Daughter, I’m writing you this letter to inquire why, why for over a month, I have not received news from you. This worries me, especially since your godfather Aragona has told me that you wished to see me. Be patient, my beloved Mary, be patient for a little while longer. I have not forgotten you. I watch over you, and think of you constantly, and I wish I could be very close to your sighs. I understand completely that you suffer from the distance, but I repeat, be patient. It is likely the new year will bring happiness and delight. A new star, perhaps, will shine on my horizon with a new light. Sula fides sufficit [Faith alone suffices]….. I worry about many things; the sufferings have been many, the sorrows have been varied, the misfortunes have been multiple, but by God, I’m here awaiting revenge. And, I’m certain that I’ll win in this enterprise. Be silent and pray. Yes, the Lord seems a little bit like a myth, and seems to have had pity on misfortunes, and He, will cease his pressures on me as the Holy Year draws to a close, the unforgettable Year, the Year of Penance and the Year of the Resurrection. Gloria in Excelsis Deo [Glory to God in the Highest]. I am very well, thanks to the Almighty One, and every your younger brothers enjoy excellent health. They go to school and assiduously do their homework. Giovannino is making progress in the art of sculpting lessons; he is doing marvellous work, given his young years. However, they are incorrigible little devils and sometimes, they create havoc around me. I await the dawn of January to brighten me up ….. Write to me immediately and advise Mother Superior that I will hurry in sending the full amount due for your stay in the convent as soon as possible. I send you a million embraces and kisses from your brothers and a dear and affectionate embrace from me blessing all of you, my dear little girl. I am Your father who adores you
