Letter from John Palandech to Joko Palandech

Letter from John Palandech to Joko Palandech, January 2, 1926
Palandech, John
Halvorson, Jasna
January 2, 1926

Letter from John Palandech of Chicago to his brother Joko Palandech in Monte Negro

Geographic Locations
Continents: Europe :: North America
Countries: Monte Negro :: UNITED STATES
States: Illinois
Cities: Chicago

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

John R Palandech Agency
Foreign Language Newspaper Representatives
Advertising and Publicity Service
Phone Harrison 3006
Five Thirty-Six South Clark Street

Jan 2nd. 1926

Dragi Joko:

Ovih dana sam primio tvoje pismo od 21 Nov. Stiglo je u postarskom omotu, jer je negde  bilo u vatri spaseno, kao  sto  ces videti iz         koverte koju ti vracam. Srecom pismo nije izgorelo, prem da ga je vatra dohvatila.

Svi smo dobro i zdravo. Na Bozic smo  bili svi zajedno kod mene a na nas Bozic cemo svi biti zajedno kog Gjura.

Strasno sam izmorem i moram da idem negde na odmor na proljece. -Hteo bih  i  sada  ali imam toliko posla da je to nemoguce ostaviti bez velike stete. Rad bih otici kod Sima u California ove zime za bar par sedmica, -ali usljed gradskih izbora , bila bi mi velika  materialna steta ostaviti  varos  sada. Ako neuzmognem otici gde prije, onda bi moglo biti da na ljeto uzmem jednu sporu lagju direktno za Jadran.

Jednu stvar sto sam davno imao na umu, a kojoj mislim sam ti jednom pisao, hocu da  ozbiljno svrsim sada a    to je spomehik  nasoj porodici kod crkve Sv. Nikole. Molim te da se o ovoj stvari odmah izvestis. Dobro prouci stvar, kako to treba da se uradi. Dali je spomenik treba poruciti na Korculi          ili se to date tamo od naseg kamena izraditi. Na ravno ja moram  racunati  i  na  trosak. Hocu da bude nesto solidno  i   skromno. Tamo imade mnogo spomenika, koje moz da uzmes za primjer, pak se raspitaj, razvidi  i  odluci, jer ne zelim da se ova stvar  ni jednog  dana vise nu sto  je  potreba odluci.  Ako je moguce da  se  nacini  nacrt  i   meni posalje na uvigjavnost, to bih zeleo, a ako to nije prakticno neka bude i bez toga.  Ja imam poverenje  u tebe  i  tvoj ukus da  ces  znati  kako  treba napraviti.  Novac  cu  ti odmah  poslati  kad  budes odlucio   stvar. Natpis svakako moz da mi  posaljes.

Luka ni niko od nas nismo bili bolesni. Ne trab ciniti larmu za kavu malu prehladu.

Pisimi kako je sa Lakicevica  zetom.  Ja ne verujem  u dugacka zar-ucenja.  Molim te da pises tetki na Solinu, da mi   nijesmo primili slike ni pisma. Ako se ne varam  bio sam  negde pre nu sto sam doma  dolazio od nekoga pismo primio, na koje smo odgovorili, ali to je bilo svakakoko prerata.  I ja bih rad da ih posetim, ali vreme prolazi. Imao sam priliku upoznati se sa Rumuskom kraljicom prilikom njena  boravka ovde.  Bili  smo pri svim docecima i u svim odborima. Moz da ce ih interesirati taj dogagjaj.

A interesirate ce i napisu ali je svi svim []. To je bio []. [] Pozdravlja vas Ivan.

John R Palandech Agency
Foreign Language Newspaper Representatives
Advertising and Publicity Service
Phone Harrison 3006
Five Thirty-Six South Clark Street

January 2nd, 1926

Dear Joko:

These days I have received your letter of November 21. It had arrived in a postal cover, having been saved from a fire somewhere, as you are going to notice from the envelope which I am returning. Luckily the letter did not get burned, although it was touched by the flame.

We are all good and healthy. On Christmas we had gathered all together at my place, and for our Christmas we are going to be together at Gjura’s.

I am so exhausted and will have to go somewhere on vacation in the spring. I wanted to take a leave to go on vacation but have so much work that is impossible to leave without consequences. I wish to visit Sima in California this winter for at least a few weeks, but if  I go in the midst of municipal elections, I would be facing a great material loss leaving the city.

If I don’t get an opportunity to leave before, then I would take a slow boat next summer directly to the Adriatic.

One thing which I have had on my mind for a long time, and I think I have written you about, I want to seriously finish now, and it is about a monument to our family near the church of St. Nikola.   Please get information regarding this issue.   Study this project thoroughly, how it would need to be done. Does the monument need to be ordered from the Korcula island or could it be made from our local stone?  Of course, I need to count on this expense.  I would like something solid and humble.  Over there you had many gravestones which you can use as samples, research and decide, because I don’t want this issue to be prolonged more than it is necessary. If it is possible to make blueprints and send them to me for consideration, I would be pleased, and if it is not practical, it could be without my consent.  I have confidence in you and your taste that you would know what to do.  Money will be sent to you after your decision.  A message with the blueprint should be send to me, naturally.

Neither Luka nor any one of us were sick. No need to be alarmed for some small cold.

Write to me about our son in law Lakic.  I do not believe in any long college study.  Please correspond with aunt in Solin, letting her know that we did not receive any photos or letters.  If I am not mistaken,  as I recall I had received letter from someone and we did respond  to it, and it was before the war.  I would like to visit them, although time is flying.  I had an opportunity to meet with the Romanian queen  at the time of her staying here. We were present at all the gatherings and receptions and  welcome committees.  Maybe someone would be interested in that event.

[ …]

Greetings from Ivan.
