Paul T. Kovac – Letter to his Mother, 1922/07/26

Paul T. Kovac – Letter to his Mother, 1922/07/26
Kovač (Kovac), T. Paul
Kucík, Štefan (translation)
Bolechová, Lucia (transcription)
July 26, 1922

Letter from Paul Kovač in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to his mother Zuzana Kovač of Hrádok, Slovakia.

Geographic Locations
Continents: North America
States: Connecticut
Cities: Bridgeport

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

List pisani dna 26. Jula 1922 Pochvalen bud pan Ježiš kristus Mila Mamička. Ja vas srdečne pozdravujem a navedomie vam davam že listi odvas dostavam skerich sa lem tolko tešim že ste ešče privlade a zdravi. Ale inšie čo uš dalej pišete vždi lem jedno a zato som uš tak davno nepisav Jak napriklad otej penzie Však som sa tich Panskich klučiek dost naotvarav a listov navipisuvav poamerice a ked to neprešlo som vam Pisav že som nedostav ništ prevas ponevač Pani uznali že vi mate dvoch sinov zezdravimi rukami že nech vas ti živie ale nie ja ktori mam len ruku i pol nuš tak čo som uš mal vac robit. Ale ja znam čo je veveci Vi mislite že ja som prevas penaze dostav a že si ich nehavam Ale Boch mi je svedek že som prevas nedostav ani hrdzavi halier a jestli neverite Ja vam ten list covernmenski pošlem a dajte si ho volakomu počitat lebo je vanglištine A čo sa tika mna ja vam uš nemožem lepšie pomahat lebo ja dostavam lem premna živobitie Ešče pišete že bich bratovi daktoremu penaze poslav že bi mohov prinst zamnu Ale ja neznam že čo bi tun keri robev ked tun mnohi stari amerikani nemaju čo jest Azdaj mislite že bi aj on dostav penziu jako ja Alebo mislite že ja som bohati a že bich mu ja dav živobitie a ešče praj aj ušporit penaze ked ja sam nemožem ništ ušporit Tak ešče natisic krat razi srdečne pozdravujem mamička moja adobre zdravie vam zesrdca vinšujem Davam pozdravuvat bratričkov mojich imriška aj vojteška tak tieš i švagrinku Victoriu a dobre zdravie vam všetkim vinšujem a prajem a uš len bucte spokojni však ja navas nigdi nezapomem a jak tun budu lepšie pomeri to potom chlapci možu prist Davam hvorčanskich všetkich srdečne pozdravuvat a dobre zdravie im vinšujem tak zbohom vaš verni sin Paul J. Kovacs. 196. Bridgeport Conn USA
Letter written on July 26, 1922 Praised be Lord Jesus Christ Dear Mommy. I’m sending you hearty greetings and I’m letting you know that I receive your letters which make me happy only for you are still capable and healthy. However, what you write further is always the same and that’s why I haven’t written to you for such a long time Like for instance that pension Indeed I’d opened enough those offices’ doors and written enough letters across America and when it didn’t work I wrote you that I hadn’t gotten anything for you because the offices thought that you had two sons with healthy hands so these should have provided for you not me with just one hand and a half well what more should I have done. But I know what’s going on here You think that I had gotten that money for you and I have kept them But God is my witness that I hadn’t gotten even a rusty cent for you and if you don’t believe me I will send you that government letter and ask someone to read it because it is in English And as for me I can’t help you better because I get a living just for myself You have also written me to send money to one of my brothers and that either could come after me But I don’t know what would he do here as many old Americans have nothing to eat here Do you think that he could also draw a pension as I do Or do you think that I’m rich and that I would provide for him and even he could save some money when I can’t save anything So one more time thousandfold hearty greetings my mommy and I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart Give my regards to my brothers Imriško and Vojteško also to my sister-in-law Victoria and I wish you all good health and just be contended I will never forget you and when there are better conditions the guys can come Give my regards to all of Hôrka and I wish them good health So good-bye your faithful son Paul T. Kovacs, 196 Bridgeport, Conn. USA
