Paul T. Kovac – Letter to his Mother, 1927/07/05

Paul T. Kovac – Letter to his Mother, 1927/07/05
Kovač (Kovac), T. Paul
Kucík, Štefan (translation)
Bolechová, Lucia (transcription)
July 5, 1927

Letter from Paul Kovač in Hawleyville, Connecticut, to his mother Zuzana Kovač of Hrádok, Slovakia.

Geographic Locations
Continents: North America
States: Connecticut
Cities: Hawleyville

UMedia Archive
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Hawleyville conn Jula. 5. 1927 Draho Miluvana Mamička Pochvalen Bud Ježiš Kristus i slavne meno Panenki Marie Prijmite odnas srdečni pozdrav jakošto odvašich deci Pavla aj veroniki velice bi nas to tešilo že bi vas tichto našich paru radkov pridobrom zdravi našlo abi ste sa mohli snami potešit. Pan boch nebeski nas požehnav a obdarev speknim zdravim sinečkom ktoreho sme spomocu božu a spomocu Mr aj Mrs Salonik to jest znašima švagrami priviedli dochramu božieho a pomenuvali sme ho Stefanom Nuš tak sa aspom mame zvolačoho tešit ufam že aj vi sa mamička naša potešite. leš mne je luto velice že sme vam uš tak davno nepisali ale nam odpustíte lebo sme to furt občakavali a misleli sme že vam aš potom napišeme Krščenie sme mali vesele boli tun dobri ludie nakrščeni nuš mali sme plni dom nahoscine bolo lepšie krščenie a peknejšie jako veselie lebo tam vtom Hudsone sme nemali nikoho dobreho Pozdravujeme Imriša aj jeho manželku a dietki Tak tieš pozdravujeme aj vojteška adobre stale zdravie im vinšujeme aprajeme Davame pozdravuvat našu babičku hvorčansku tak tieš aj ujčeka aj ich manželku adietki adobre stale zdravie im zesrdca vinšujeme a prajeme Davame pozdravuvat Tetičku Trebaticki aj ich dietki adobre stale zdravie im zesrdca vinšujeme a prajeme, Čo sa tika našeho zdrava však ja som zdravi a veronka uš prichodi ksebe pomalički dakuvat bohu a roboti mam trošku dá sa kolko tolko zarobit nuš tak sa mame neškodno, Tak mamička naša uš vam nemame čo inšie nove pisat Ešče vas srdečne a uprimne pozdravujeme a dobre zdravie vam vinšujeme a zostavame vam verne deci aj dosmrti tak s panom bohom Paul Kovacs Box 38 Hawleyville Conn U. S. A.
Hawleyville, Conn. July 5, 1927 Dear Loved Mommy Praised be Jesus Christ and glorious name of Virgin Mary Accept our warm greetings from us your children Pavel and Veronika we would be very glad if these our several lines found you in good health so you could rejoice with us. Lord God in heaven had blessed and gifted us with a handsome healthy little son whom we brought to the temple with help of God and of Mr and Mrs Salonik, i.e. our brother- and sister-in-law and we named him Stefan Well then at least we have something to delight in I hope our mommy that you will take pleasure in it too. But I’m very sorry that we haven’t written you for such a long time but forgive us because we had been always expecting it and we had thought that we would only write you after it Christening was cheerful we had good people invited well we had a full house at the party christening was better and nicer than the wedding party because there in Hudson we had nobody good Give our regards to Imrišo and his wife and children Also give our regards to Vojteško and we wish them good and perfect health Give our regards to our Grandma of Hôrka as well as to uncle and his wife and children and we warmly wish them good and perfect health Give our regards to Aunt Trebatický and her children and we warmly wish them good and perfect health, As to our health I am healthy and Veronka is already gradually recovering we should thank God and I have a little bit of job I can make a bit money so we don’t live in poverty, So our mommy we have nothing else new to write you about Warm and sincere greetings and we wish you good health and remain your faithful children up to our death so good-bye Paul Kovacs, Box 38, Hawleyville, Conn. U. S. A.
