Veronika Kovac – Letter to her mother-in-law, Zuzana Kovac, 1926/09/09

Veronika Kovac – Letter to her mother-in-law, Zuzana Kovac, 1926/09/09
Kovač (Kovac), Veronika
Kucík, Štefan (translation)
Bolechová, Lucia (transcription)
September 9, 1926

Letter from Paul’s Kovač’s wife Veronika in Hudson, New York, to Paul’s mother Zuzana Kovač of Hrádok, Slovakia.

Geographic Locations
Continents: North America
States: New York
Cities: Hudson

UMedia Archive
link to original record and high resolution viewer

Hudson, N. J. [should be N. Y., note by ŠK], Septembra 9ho 1926. Pochvalen but pan jezis kristus. Mile a uprimne pozdravenie vam posieľame ponajprv od pana boha potom od nas od vašich deti Pavla aj Veroniki: List zme od vas dostali skereho zmesa velice potešili ked zme očuli žeste od pana boha zdravi: Šak aj mi zme zdravi chvala bohu kereho zdrava aj vam šetkim ze srdca vinšujeme a prajeme: Mamičko moja draha pitate sa či Pavel robi jeho remesle on to už nerobi lebo mu to tak neišlo jako bi on scev. Ale zato robi v inšom mieste a stara sa o domacnost jako len najlepše može mame pekni kvartil zati a tak si žijeme spolu ani dva holubi. jeto zle mamičko moja žesme tak daleko jeden od druheho žesa tak nemožeme prind jeden druheho nasčivit a potešit: Ja som ždi slubuvala mojim rodičom že ich prindem nasčivit atak ti časi prešli a nigdi som neišla a už čil bi nam to bolo tažčie icit jako ked zme boli slobonni: Ale ešče ani toho sa nezapovedame ked bi nam boh nebeski zdravie dav a ušporili bi zmesi trochu vac penazi tak bi zme išli ešče razs ten naš narodni domov nasčivit: Mamičko moja draha ači savi schadate zmojimi rodičami? Ked mi sestra ždi piše žeta moja mamička bivaju často nezdrava tak mi ich je luto kebi som im mohla aspom zvolačim pomocit: Pisali ste nam mamičko moja žebi ste nam poslali trochu pera ja vam srdečne dakujem zato ale sa neunujte stim ved ja to znam žeje šetko taško ze starej vlasti sem posielat ami vam to nežadame abi stesa stakim nečim mosela unuvat: Ved ja som pisala mojej sestre žebimi poslala aspom jennu podušku šak som jej šetko nehala a pera som sa nadrapala ked som bola doma ona bito mohla skorej urobit šak je mlada a ma viacej času jako vi. Mizme si tun kupili poduški ale toje tun take perie šetko cez sovki vichada a Pavel ždi hovori žemu do ušu picha. Srdečne pozdravujeme švagerka Imricha aj jeho manželku aj z dietkami: noveho vam nemame čo pisat časi sutun velmi dobre cez leto boli velke horučosti ale čil na jesen je už chladnejše: Tak Mamičko moja draha ešča vas raz srdečne pozravujeme a zostavame vaše verne deti Pavel aj Verona. Srdečne pozdravujeme švagerka Vojtecha a dobre zdravie mu vinšujeme a prajeme:
Hudson, N. J. [should be N. Y., note by ŠK], September 9, 1926. Praised be Lord Jesus Christ. We’re sending you kind and sincere greetings firstly from Lord God then from us your children Pavel and Veronika: We’d received your letter which made us very happy when we heard that you were thank Lord God healthy: Thank God we are healthy too we wish you all this good health from the bottom of our hearts: My dear mommy you asked if Pavel does his job he doesn’t do it anymore because he didn’t do as well as he wished. However he works at another place and he cares for the household as well as possible we have a nice housing and so we live together like a pair of doves. it’s bad my mommy that we’re so far away from each other that we can’t come to visit and please each other: I always kept promising my parents that I would come to visit them however the time has passed and I never went and now it would be harder to go than before when we were single: But we still don’t give this idea up if God in heaven gave us good health and we saved a little bit more money we would go to visit our national home one more time: My dear mommy I wonder if you sometimes meet my parents? I feel sorry for them when my sister always writes me that my mommy is often unhealthy only if I could help them somehow: You wrote us my mommy that you would have sent us some feathers I warmly thank you for it but don’t bother with it I know very well that it’s difficult to send anything here from the old country and we don’t ask you to have to bother with something like that: I wrote my sister to send me at least one pillow after all I’d left her everything and I’d plucked enough feather when I was back home she has more reasons to do it as she is young and has more time than you do. We’ve bought some pillows here but the feathers here are not good they come out through the seams and Pavel always says that they prickle his ears. Give our warm regards to brother-in-law Imrich and his wife with children: we have nothing new to write you the weather is very good here in summer it was very hot but now in fall it is already colder: So my dear Mommy warm greetings to you one more time and we remain your faithful children Pavel and Verona Give our warm regards to brother-in-law Vojtech and we wish him good health:
