Digitizing Immigrant Letters

The Digitizing Immigrant Letters Project aims to make available on-line letters from the IHRC Archives and other collections (private individuals, partner institutions) that were written between 1850 and 1970 both by immigrants (the so-called “America letters”) and to immigrants (“homeland letters”). 

On this portal website you can explore the archive by basic keyword searching the information about the letters (metadata) as well as their translations into English (available for all letters) and transcriptions. You can also browse the letters arranged in sets by the archival collection from which they were selected, and by date or language.

Advanced Search

For more advanced searching options of all transcriptions and translations, please go to the main repository in U Media Archive. (In "Browse," select "Digitizing Immigrant Letters" collection).

Explore the List

Read the "America letters" and "homeland letters" written between 1850-1970.  Explore the list of all letter collections.

Explore by Language

Explore the Map

Click on any of the color dots below to reveal information and links to letter collections.

The Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA, or IHRC Archives) is a renowned archives and library for the study of immigration, ethnicity, and race. We select sources documenting a broad range of immigrant and refugee experiences, and strive to connect history to today’s experiences.

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Current as of October 16, 2024